Bhante Santhapiya was born in New Hampshire. His father’s service in the U.S. Air Force brought many opportunities to experience different people, cultures, and lifestyles from all over the country and also overseas in Japan. Bhante Santhapiya eventually settled in Oklahoma where he finished high school and began college. He is currently attending the University of Central Oklahoma for a degree in Instructional Design to aid in providing effective Dhamma instruction.

After discovering the Buddha’s Teachings in 2008, Bhante Santhapiya began to direct his life to the practice and development of his mind. After careful 

consideration and five years of discernment, he became a novice monk under Bhante Piyaratana Thero May 22, 2013 with Bhante Piyananda. Bhante Santhapiya is devoted to the practice, study and sharing of the Buddha’s teachings.